Zeon Zoysia is the Nation’s #1 selling zoysia. Zeon is a superior, versatile, fine-bladed turfgrass variety that is suitable for use on golf courses, sports fields and home lawns. It grows in quicker than traditional zoysias, producing the opportunity for faster harvest and regrowth. Known as the grass selected for the golf course built for the 2016 Olympics in Rio, Zeon can be sold as sod or sprigs. It is a highly shade tolerant grass, drought tolerant, has some salinity tolerance, is adaptable in many soil conditions.
JaMur Zoysia is a medium-texted zoysiagrass primarily used on home lawns, roads and common areas. It produces less thatch than other medium-textured zoysias and produces a dense turf that chokes out weeds. JaMur is very cold tolerant, extremely drought tolerant and requires very little nitrogen.
Cutlass Zoyia exhibits a horizontal growth pattern which, for the end user, means that its growth pattern reduces the need for frequent mowings. It requires less water and less fertilizer. Cutlass is truly a low maintenance, homeowner-friendly grass.
L1F Zoysia is an extremely fine-textured zoysiagrass that may be used in high-end lawns, sports field and golf courses. With an upright nature, research is underway now to confirm its viability as a golf course greens grass. May be mowed below ¼-inch.
Y2 Zoysia is a medium-textured zoysia widely used for home lawns in Texas. It can handle sun or shade, has good drought tolerance and has few insect or disease problems.
Eco Buffalograss is a very low maintenance, native turfgrass. Many homeowners opt to mow it infrequently, or not at all. It is a very strong sod, lifts well, resists weeds and, best of all, fertilizer for the end user is not required. A beautiful grass, it does produce a flower if left to go native
Density Buffalograss is a fine-textured buffalograss variety that offers a superior turf quality for faster and easier harvesting and planting. Strong and extremely low maintenance, Density requires no fertilizer from the end user.
FJ’s Select Turf is a compact St. Augustine grass with dense horizontal stolon growth and slow vertical growth that requires less mowing than many St. Augustine varieties. For sod production, its compact nature stacks a tighter pallet for easier handling and transportation. FJ’s Select has an excellent green color, good heat tolerance, moderate shade tolerance and resistance to St. Augustine decline disease. Trials conducted at Texas A&M College Station ranked FJ’s Select as the #1 commercial St. Augustine in overall turfgrass quality. FJ’s Select is named for FJ Milberger, the father of the Texas turfgrass industry, who developed the grass.